Monday, June 18, 2007

The Nursery is starting to look like a nursery!!

We have finally got our cot all set up in the baby's room, the boys did a good job of getting it all together despite my instructions! The base is currently set to the high position for when beanie is little, and when they are more mobile (or just before...) we will adjust is down to the lower position, which sits just above the drawer underneath. The kitty also tried to "help" and thought the draw was fantastic... hence the captive kitty pictures!

I have also succeeded in making a mitten... the only problem is that it has come out far to big! So now I'm doing a new pair in different wool, and just counting the other as practice! I haven't put the ribbon through the holes yet, but maybe it could become a marble bag or something! :-D

Still haven't quite sorted everything out to show everything we have, been a bit busy! But on my list of things to do this week, I promise!
Big hugs from us!

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